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Free Money!

37 Free Money Offers!

The 2 Best Free Cash Offers Anywhere!

If you can send email, you can earn $25,000! - Imandi is a website that helps people find good deals on the net, but the best thing they have going is they give you free cash if you refer friends or other people to sign up there. You get $5 for each of your first 20 friends, plus another $2 for any after that. It doesn't stop there either, if your friends refer people, you get even more money. It's pretty easy to get free cash here, start today by signing up and spreading the word!Making LOTS of free cash is easy with Imandi!! Get yours today, make up to $25,000!!

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure! - The most wonderful site to come along in a long while, ready to explode everyone and for a limited time every new sign-up gets $10 to either cash out and keep or spend. PayPal allows you to email people money, basically you can use your Visa/MC to put money in your account and then you "beam" it to someone else who then can collect the money by having a PayPal account themselves. What makes PayPal so great is it eliminates the need to send people money by check or money order and it is fast. Sign up now and they'll give you $10. If you use auction sites like eBay, then be prepared to see PayPal lead the way as the way to pay for your auctions! If you haven't signed up yet, don't miss your chance, and get FREE $10 too!!

Get Paid to Surf the Web!

The First 15 or so Websites listed below pay you to basically view ads while you surf the web. You don't have to click on the ads, buy anything, change browsers, or spend any money, you just simply allow the companies to flash some ads on your screen periodically while you are surfing, easy enough right? Payouts differ for each company put expect to be paid about $0.50-$1.00/hour and even lots more if your refer others to do the same. Most of the companies put a cap as to how many hours you can be paid to surf in a month (usually 40-50), but there are a few that are unlimited. If you surf a lot, these are great opportunities to get paid to do something you already do! All sites below are free and very easy to sign up and you can cancel at anytime (but why would you want to?). You can start making some Free Cash today! - This is the ABSOLUTE BEST, you get paid just fo using Ignfuge as your start page! You know the page that loads whenever you open your web browser? Well get paid for it now, $0.50 each time!Ignifuge is an ABSOLUTE MUST!! - The Most talked about "Pay to surf" website mostly because it has managed to sign up 3,000,000 members in a short amount of time. Payouts are very good: Get paid $0.50/hour when you are online, and $0.10/hour while your direct referrals are online, and $0.05/hour for extended referrals. The viewbar takes up about 1 inch of your monitor space, which means you barely notice it is there. AllAdvantage is recommended highly!! - Simply the best among the "pay to surf" sites. And here's the reason why: the viewbar is so small, I swear you will not even know it is there. It sits on the upper left hand corner of your browser and is a few inches wide and at the most a quarter inch tall. Very revolutionary! And even better, ValuePay Pays $1.00/hour!! ValuePay is the best!! - A Pay to surf site with the most interest in keeping any of your personal data of the utmost secret. Classy, sleak design gives mValue an edge on its competitors. mValue is a winner!!

Make Cash on the Net - Spedia is great, not only do you get $0.50/hour to surf, but you get that for unlimited hours! Plus you can also earn money by signing up for free offers or optional advertisers email. Lots of cash here, come get some!! - Payout is 42% of the revenue from advertisers (up to 6 levels of extended referrals!!), which is above average! This is a great one because you get paid to surf, read email, or write a letter, as long as you're connected, you'll get paid! Desktop Dollars comes HIGHLY recommended!! - Get paid $0.40/hour when you're online, another $0.10/hour if your referral is online, $0.15/hour for level 2 referrals, and an amazing $0.20/hour for level 3 referrals!! This is a cool site because you get more for extended referrals than anywhere else!Definitely check out GoToWorld!! - $0.60/hour for you and $0.10/hour for your referrals down 5 levels makes this a very attractive website. Lots of fun and plenty of cash for you awaits at ePIPO!! - Nicely designed site which is sure to make a big splash soon, especially considering they are paying out $0.60/hour to surf! Desktop Horizon wants to pay you to surf the web!! - This site is growing quickly because of its unique payout: share in the company's advertising revenue (40%!! Plus more if you refer friends!), which makes earning possibilites unlimited!! is recommended!! - A very fun site with some of the top payout rates. Get paid anywhere from $20-$50 to view 1000 ads! DotAd makes it fun to surf while getting paid too!! - a British based company (don't worry, anyone from anywhere can join) with a cool looking website. Another great opportunity to turn your online time into free money! Be sure to check out SharkHunt!! - Right now you can get a $25.62 gift for free when you join plus get your name entered to win a $2100 Dell computer! Check it out now! Surf For Cash at Surfing2Cash!! - Surf the web, earn cash, write a letter, check email, earn cash!PayBar makes it easy to earn free money!! - Get paid to surf and optionally get paid $0.03 per email you read! Two great opportunities for free cash await at AllCommunity!!

Get Paid to Read eMail!

There are a few website that either pay you to read email they send to you, or you can get paid simply for reading your own email! - I love this place, you actually get paid simply to read email, your own email, not anything sent by advertisers. If you do it anyway, why not get paid for it? Plus they have advertisements that you can click on and make extra money for clicking on the links, but that is optional. - Get paid anywhere from $0.20 to $2.50 per email sent to you. You can choose to read it or delete it, either way you still get paid. Totally private and confidential, check it out! MoneyForMail makes it easy to make extra free money without having to surf, just check your email and you get paid!! - Free Money Galore awaits you, get paid $0.05 for every email sent to you. No limit on how much you can make here! SendMoreInfo wants to put free cash in your pocket!!

Incentive Programs!

These are my favorite sites to visit, they basically give you points which you can redeem towards awesome prizes like CDs, Movies, Restaurant Gift Certificates, or to places like Target, Best Buy, Wal-Mart and tons more. You get points by clicking on banners, taking surveys or accepting trial offers. It's so easy to do and the rewards are enormous, check them out!! - Above and beyond one of the most popular incentive programs on the web. It's really fun, you earn lots of points the redeem them towards awesome rewards. Don't miss this one! Get 125 just signing up, Get a BONUS 50 points if you use the name chelios as a reference! - Pretty similar to Freeride, lots of points to be given away here and the rewards are really good. Definitely worth checking out. - Get lots of money via rebates and through contests and such, plus you can win cars like a Porsche, BMW and more. This place rocks! Get $4 just for signing up! - Earn cash points good for Gift Certificates or almost anything you want, simply log in and click on listed banners and earn points. Easy to do and no limits on how much you can earn make AllPaidFor a Great Site!!

 MyPoints - Highly recommended!! Visit websites, earn points good towards gift certificates good at local restaurants and stores. Easy to earn points and lots of fun too!

 eTour - Get 300 points just for signing up, plus 20 points for each of the first 2 sites you visit every day. Redeem points towards Great Gift Certificates for restaurants, grocery stores, and pretty much anything else. Highly recommended!

Free Online Lotteries!

I am so addicted to these sites, just like any lottery you are familiar with, pick 6 numbers, if they match you win. Prizes range anywhere from $1,000,000 - $3,000,000!! Best part is they are totally free, many of the sites have had winners already! Become a millionaire!

Win $1,000,000! - Pick 6 numbers, win a million bucks! Lots of other prizes too, play 2 times daily! You'll love it!!

Win $3,000,000! - Win a weekly $3,000,000 jackpot! You can enter up to 10 times daily for the lottery and also play other games that you can win hundreds of dollars on. Really cool!!

Free Cash for Using a Search Engine!

These sites work just like any search engine, such as Yahoo! but with these ones you get paid for doing the searches! Pay is anywhere from $0.01 to $0.10, if you search a lot you can get paid a lot too! - I haven't figured out why they are called Colorstamps if they are a search engine, but they can call themselves anything they like when the give out the kind of cash they are. Earn up to $100 a month searching the web? Can't beat that anywhere.! - Do any searches you normally would but this time get paid! Forget about Yahoo, they don't pay you, NetFlip does!

Misc other free money opportunities!

Check out these other offers and see if anything strikes your fancy!

1 in 10 WIN CASH - 1 in 10 WIN CASH! Join our opt-in email lists to receive spam free news and information by email. Thousands of topics.

GREAT Sponsor for your Web Site! - Get paid every time someone signs up for FREE stuff from your website. Earn $0.50 to $15.00 per FREE signup.

Have a website??? - Why not make a few $$$ with it. These are the programs I use. The best thing about them is they work, they pay and and they are free to join.

Make money with free stuff - There are more and more affiliate programs on the net promoting freebies, services and samples. You may make money promoting free stuff! This page guides ou to choose the best revenue for your website.

NPD RESEARCH: Take a survey for a $1000.00 - How would you like a chance to win $1000 just for filling in a 5 minute survey? NDP Online Research is looking for people just like YOU to join their Online Research Team! You can also WIN other prizes so join the team and make a difference!

Take Online Surveys and Get Paid! - There are companies that want your opinion and will pay you for it! Take surveys online and receive cash, prizes and be entered into drawings upto $2000.

Get Paid To Surf The Web! - These Five great programs pay you and your friends to surf the web. It's easy and free to join. Sign up Today!

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